Service packages

SEO-priser: Hvor mye koster SEO i 2024?

SEO-priser varierer og avhenger av faktorer som SEO-plan, tjenesteleverandør og mer. De fleste SEO-prosjekter i 2024 koster mellom 15-50 000 kroner per måned basert på prosjektets omfang. En engangsprosjekt vil variere mellom 50 000-300 000 kroner, og timepriser for konsulenter ligger mellom 1 000-3 000 kroner per time.

Average SEO costs

  • Monthly SEO costs SEK 15-50,000 per month
  • Hourly SEO costs 1-3,000 kroner per hour
  • Project-based SEO costs NOK 50-300,000 per project
  • In total, SEO prices range from 1,000 to 300,000+ NOK

SEO cost factors

  • SEO pricing model
  • SEO goals
  • SEO plan
  • The service provider's experience
  • Location of the service provider
  • The client's company size

Pricing and deliverables for SEO

Typically, SEO pricing should include:

  • SEO review
  • Keyword analysis
  • Structure plan
  • Optimization of title tags
  • Link building
  • Optimization of page speed
  • Analysis setup
  • Regular reporting
  • And more

SEO cost factors

  • SEO pricing model
  • SEO goals
  • SEO plan
  • The service provider's experience
  • Location of the service provider
  • The client's company size

How much should you spend on SEO services?

How much you spend on SEO services will depend on the size of your business and the scope of the services you need.

Beløpet du betaler for SEO-tjenester vil avhenge av størrelsen på din virksomhet og omfanget av tjenestene du trenger.

Selv om SEO-kostnader varierer fra byrå til byrå, er det viktig å huske på at du ofte får det du betaler for når det gjelder SEO-tjenester.

Når du velger et SEO-byrå, må du ikke inngå kompromisser med kvalitet for "billige" SEO-tjenester. I stedet bør du velge et ledende SEO-byrå som tilbyr kvalitets-SEO-tjenester.

Som i mange andre profesjonelle tjenesteytende bransjer, vil løpende konsultasjon med en bransjeleder innen SEO være dyrere sammenlignet med et uerfarent og ubegrunnet firma.

Til slutt er det dine mål som bestemmer nøyaktig hvor mye du skal bruke på SEO-tjenester.

Jo større din nettside er, jo mer omfattende vil SEO-prosjektet være. Dette betyr at du bør forvente å betale mer for SEO-tjenester.

Det er også viktig å huske at SEO er en pågående strategi.

I stedet for å investere i engangs-SEO-strategi, bør du tenke på en månedlig SEO-plan som vil holde nettstedet ditt oppdatert slik at du kontinuerlig rangere øverst i søkeresultatene.

Finnes det en standard for SEO-priser i 2024?

Unfortunately, there is no industry standard for average SEO prices.

Many companies offer SEO services and can charge anything. This makes it difficult for consumers to know what is a fair price for monthly SEO plans. It's therefore important to understand what you're getting for your money when investing in digital marketing. However, your decision should also be based on the total, long-term value of included SEO services.

It's important to note that the wide range of opportunities that SEO provides makes it challenging to know how to price SEO services.

What to look for when researching the cost of SEO

The cost of SEO varies depending on the scope of your project. However, there are some things to consider when researching the cost of SEO.

Reklamedia is qualified to teach you what to look for and what a fair SEO service price is when comparing providers, companies or agencies.

SEO service prices are different everywhere, so learning what they reflect and how they can affect your business is crucial to making the best choice for your business.

Learn the SEO provider's process

The process behind a strong SEO project includes countless methods and strategies, and SEO is constantly being improved to meet search engine algorithm updates. You should ensure that the SEO company you work with is willing to adapt to the frequent changes search engines make to their algorithm. The company should also take a proactive and forward-thinking approach to SEO best practices.

Look for customizable SEO packages

Furthermore, because each company is unique and should be treated as such, it is important to be vigilant.

Avoid companies that offer a "one size fits all" package, and be wary of companies with search engine optimization prices that are high and fixed. We know you have unique needs, which is why Reklamedia offers three different plans, and even has custom internet marketing packages for when your needs don't fit within the scope of our standard SEO plans.

Reklamedia has been in the SEO business for many years and has some of the best marketers in the industry. With our history and expert team of SEO specialists, we have created a systematic approach to SEO pricing. We are experts when it comes to search engine marketing and we know how much effort goes into a successful SEO campaign.

That means we also know the best price for SEO, depending on the client's needs.

Focus on holistic SEO solutions

Focus on holistic SEO solutions.

As SEO expands to include other areas, such as content marketing, conversion analysis, social media optimization and other areas of digital marketing, it has become more beneficial for businesses to invest in holistic SEO solutions.

If an agency doesn't offer everything you want to cover, they may lag behind in terms of service offerings or offer monthly SEO services that are weak. Every company should have SEO service pricing available for you and other potential clients that describes how they work - and if they don't, it's a good sign that you should find SEO package pricing elsewhere.

SEO plans from Reklamedia

At Reklamedia, we offer standard, local, enterprise and e-commerce SEO plans, all with different levels to suit your needs and budget.

To get an idea of how much you should expect to pay for our SEO services, take a look at the table below.


Suitable for small businesses

SEK 20,000


Suitable for medium-sized businesses

SEK 35,000


Suitable for large businesses

SEK 50,000


Up to 300
Up to 200
Up to 100

Number of optimized keywords

Up to 50
Up to 30
Up to 20

Number of optimized pages

Up to 50
Up to 35
Up to 20

Keyword tracking


Monitoring of competitors' websites.

Technical website analysis & feasibility report


Content per quarter

Keyword analysis

Keyword mapping to landing pages

Meta titles & meta descriptions

Robots.txt optimization

Sitemap optimization

Link building

Optimization of Google Business profile (if needed)

Canonicalization analysis

Initial external link analysis and disavow

Reporting of 301 pages

Structuring and updating internal links

Analysis of duplicate content

Optimized headline tags (e.g. H1s)

Sitemap setup

Image optimization

Setup and optimization of custom 404 error page

Schema implementation (JSON-LD)

Google Analytics traffic analysis

Piwik Pro traffic analysis

Ongoing quarterly keyword ranking reporting

Ongoing monthly traffic, goal and CPL reporting

SEK 150,000
SEK 105,000
SEK 60,000

Campaign start-up investment: (Two months duration)

SEK 50,000
SEK 35,000
SEK 20,000

Progression-based monthly optimization: (12 months commitment - Subsequent 10 months)


Frequently asked questions about SEO:

Learn more about SEO and SEO pricing with these FAQs:

What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website in organic (non-paid) search results on search engines such as Google. This is done by optimizing your website's content, structure and technical aspects to make it more user-friendly and relevant for keywords that are important to your business.

How much do SEO services cost?

SEO services vary in price and depend on several factors, such as the service provider, the scope of the project and the plan you choose. Prices can range from £15,000 to £50,000 per month or more, depending on your needs.

What is the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the actions you take on the website itself to improve your ranking in search results, such as optimizing content, meta tags and website structure. Off-page SEO is about activities that affect your ranking outside the website, such as building inbound links and increasing your website's authority and reputation.

Why do SEO prices vary so much?

SEO prices vary due to various factors such as the experience of the provider, the quality and scope of the services, and the size and needs of the company.

What is content strategy?

Innholdsstrategi er en viktig del av en effektiv SEO-strategi. Det innebærer å planlegge, utvikle og administrere innhold på din nettside, for å tiltrekke og engasjere målgruppen, samt forbedre rangeringen i søkemotorer. Innholdsstrategi kan også innebære hjelp til søkemotoroptimalisering, inkludert optimalisering av nøkkelord og metatagger.

How long does it take before I see results from SEO work?

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months before you see visible results from SEO work. The time it takes is based on many factors, including the competition for the keywords you're trying to rank for and how well your website is already performing in the search engines.

Why is SEO important for businesses?

SEO is important for businesses because it helps potential customers find your website and your products or services when they search online. The higher your website ranks in search results, the more likely it is that people will visit and engage with your website, leading to increased traffic, conversions and sales.

Is it worth investing in SEO services?

Investing in SEO services can be extremely valuable for businesses looking to increase their visibility and competitiveness on search engines. SEO is a long-term strategy that can yield significant results over time, including increased traffic, conversions and sales.

What is the difference between monthly, hourly and project-based SEO pricing?

Monthly SEO rates are fixed prices that are billed monthly and cover ongoing work to improve and maintain your website's search engine rankings. Hourly rates are paid for each hour spent on SEO work, while project-based rates are one-off payments for a specific SEO project.

What is competitor analysis?

Competitor analysis is the process of researching and analyzing your competitors' SEO strategy, content strategy and technical SEO practices to identify opportunities and weaknesses in your own SEO position. This can help you improve your own SEO strategy and achieve better rankings in search engines like Google.

What's most important when considering SEO pricing?

When considering SEO pricing, it's important to think about the quality of service and the experience of the provider. A lower price doesn't necessarily mean better value, so it's important to consider reputation and results from previous work before making a decision.

Are there any hidden costs with SEO services?

There should be no hidden costs with SEO services, but it's important to read the contract carefully and understand what is included in the price. Be sure to ask questions about any additional costs or fees before entering into an agreement with a service provider.