SEO (Search engine optimization)

Ledende SEO byrå i Oslo

At Reklamedia, we specialize in creating an SEO strategy that resonates with your brand's unique voice. Our approach to SEO content combines creativity with analytical insights, aiming to improve your website's visibility through ethical search engine optimization. We understand the importance of being visible in organic search and offer search engine optimization help that is both effective and responsible. Our SEO analysis is thorough and targeted, and we pride ourselves on providing SEO services that not only increase your digital presence, but also promote sustainable growth and trust with your audience.

SEO agency and SEO services in Oslo
SEO agency services

How can we help you?

keyword analysis

Keyword analysis

Discover the power of strategic keyword analysis. We analyze data to identify the most valuable keywords for your industry. Our analysis provides insight into what your audience is searching for and how you can position your website to meet their needs. With this, we can effectively customize your online visibility.

technical seo

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the foundation of an effective website. At Reklamedia, we focus on improving all technical aspects of your website, from loading speed to mobile adaptation. We make sure your website is accessible and user-friendly for both search engines and users, so you can enjoy a stable and strong online presence.

competitive analysis

Content GAP analysis

With our content gap analysis, we uncover areas where your website can expand and improve its content to better compete in the market. By analyzing both your website and your competitors' websites, we identify key areas for content development. This ensures that your website leads the industry with relevant and engaging content.

Content production

Content production at Reklamedia means tailored articles, blog posts, and website content that engages your audience while boosting your SEO. Our approach combines creative writing with SEO principles to ensure that every word counts towards improving your online visibility and attracting the right audience.

link building

Link building

Link building is a critical component of a robust SEO strategy. Our team at Reklamedia focuses on building high-quality, relevant backlinks that increase your website's authority and search engine rankings. Through ethical and effective methods, we strengthen your website's reputation and visibility, ensuring a lasting digital presence.

SEO case study
Eksempel på SEO-suksess

Fra 80 til 736 Klikk: SEO Magi

I juli 2023 tok vi utfordringen med å revolusjonere den digitale tilstedeværelsen til en nisje e-handel merkevare. Med 80 daglige besøk, har vår SEO-strategi økt trafikken til 736 besøk per dag innen februar 2024. Dette viser effekten av vårt dedikerte arbeid med søkemotoroptimalisering.

Vår første handling var å ta en dyptgående analyse avi teknisk SEO. Vi identifiserte og eliminerte kritiske feil, og forbedret samtidig sidehastigheten betydelig. Denne grunnleggende tilpasningen la grunnlaget for ytterligere suksess.

Videre, gjennom omfattende analyse av søkeord, kartla vi et klart bilde av deres markedsmål. Dette tillot oss å forstå søkeintensjonene bak hvert nøkkelord, og tilpasse eksisterende innhold for å møte disse behovene mer effektivt.

Konkurrentanalyse var et annet kritisk skritt. Ved å identifisere hva konkurrentene gjorde riktig, og hva de manglet, justerte vi vår strategi for å skape en unik fordel.

Det mest transformative aspektet av vår strategi involverte å styrke kategori-spesifikke sider. Vi utviklet en omfattende publisering av innhold rundt søkeord relatert til hver kategori, beriket med dyptgående, kunnskapsbasert innhold. Dette ble kombinert med strategisk plasserte lenker for å styrke nettstedets autoritet.

Vår reise er et bevis på kraften i vedvarende innsats og tilpasning. Ved kontinuerlig finpussing og gjentagelse av strategier, sikret vi at deres merkevare ikke bare utvidet sin rekkevidde, men også fortsatte å lede an i utviklingen av digital markedsføring.

Ekstraordinær SEO-Suksess

Denne utrolige forvandlingen av vår digitale tilstedeværelse har vært intet mindre enn ekstraordinær. SEO-teamets ekspertise og innsats har ikke bare forbedret vår trafikk, men også gitt oss en solid plattform for vekst og innovasjon i et svært konkurransepreget marked. Vi er dypt takknemlige og imponert over de banebrytende resultatene

Adam T.
CEO i Honingwinkel
Our process

SEO strategy

Process - Agency X Webflow Template

Thorough analysis

We start with a thorough analysis of your website and online presence. This includes an evaluation of your site's structure, content quality, and keyword usage. We also look at your current search engine rankings and analyze your competitors' strategies to give you a clear understanding of where you stand in the digital landscape.

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Site structure and content evaluation.
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Analysis of keyword usage.
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Search engine rankings and competitor analysis.
Process - Agency X Webflow Template

Strategic Planning

Based on the analysis, we develop a tailored SEO strategy specific to your needs. This includes optimizing your site's structure and content, improving keyword strategy, and developing quality backlinks. We also focus on user experience and mobile adaptation, which is crucial for today's SEO.

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Development of a tailored SEO strategy.
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Website and content optimization.
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Improving keyword strategy and backlinks.
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Implementation and Continuous Optimization

We implement the planned SEO tactics and continuously monitor the site's performance. SEO is a continuous process, and we adjust and improve the strategy based on real-time data and industry changes. You'll receive regular reports on your progress and advice on how to stay ahead in the ever-changing SEO landscape

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Implementation of SEO tactics.
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Monitoring and adaptation based on data.
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Regular reports and up-to-date advice.
A little insight

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, commonly known as SEO, is the art of adjusting various parts of a website to achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages. This is achieved by combining a number of techniques, including keyword analysis, technical SEO, and content production. The goal is to attract organic traffic. Organic traffic is visitors who find your website via non-paid search results.

What is an SEO agency?

An SEO agency is a specialized service provider that offers search engine optimization services. This includes everything from technical analysis, structure to the production of quality content that ranks highly on Google. With a primary focus on increasing visibility, traffic and conversions, the agency works to optimize websites for search engines and focuses on the client's unique needs.

How important is SEO for a business?

In the digital age, a company's position in search engine results is crucial to its online visibility. Studies have shown that a website's position on Google can significantly affect the number of clicks it receives. For example, figures indicate that the top result in Google's organic search has an average click-through rate (CTR) of 27.6%. This means that almost a third of users click on the top result. Furthermore, the first places in the organic search results are 10 times more likely to receive a click, compared to a page in 10th place.

When it comes to keywords, studies show that longer keywords, especially those between 10-15 words in length, attract 1.76 times more clicks than single word terms. In addition, URLs containing terms similar to a keyword have a 45% higher click-through rate.

These findings emphasize the importance of a strategic approach to SEO. Securing a high ranking in search engine results can directly drive traffic to your website, potentially resulting in more sales and increased brand awareness.

Read more about SEO
trust and credibility

1. Trust and credibility

Websites that achieve top rankings on SERPs (search engine results pages) are often perceived as the most trustworthy and of high quality. The results that appear on the first page are usually the most relevant, increasing trust in the business or website in question. The right content combined with a positive user experience can contribute to a higher ranking.

better user experience

2. Better user experience

User experience is now a top priority for marketers everywhere. While everyone is chasing higher organic rankings and maximum online visibility, many overlook the fact that an outstanding user experience is key to achieving this. Google has become more adept at distinguishing between good and bad user experiences, making positive user experience a critical component of a website's success.

higher traffic

3. Higher traffic

SEO is effective in attracting users wherever they are in the customer journey. It uses keywords and phrases to draw the attention of the target audience to specific products and services. Businesses can create a list of keywords they want to rank highly for and then tailor their content around those words.

SEO relevant

4. More value for money

In the big picture, SEO is cost-effective and the return on investment is likely to be significant in terms of a brand's bottom line. This should not be seen as a pure marketing expense, but as a real investment in the business. Good implementation of SEO only gets better with time, and just like many other things in life, it will improve further with more focus (and investment) it receives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

In a world where digital visibility is crucial, we understand the importance of having clear and reliable answers to your SEO-related questions.

Why is SEO important?

SEO er viktig fordi det øker synligheten din på nettet, noe som betyr at flere potensielle kunder kan finne deg. Det hjelper deg å rangere høyere i søkemotorresultater, og tiltrekke trafikk av høy kvalitet til nettsiden din.

How does SEO work?

SEO virker ved å forbedre nettsidens synlighet i søkemotorer gjennom optimalisering av innhold og tekniske aspekter. Dette inkluderer nøkkelordsoptimalisering, forbedring av nettstedets hastighet, og bygging av kvalitetsbacklinks.

What does SEO cost?

Prisen på SEO-tjenester, kan variere stort, avhengig av omfang og tjenester. Det kan være en engangsinvestering for mindre prosjekter, eller en månedlig avgift for løpende tjenester. Prisen avhenger av byråets ekspertise, prosjektets kompleksitet og mål.

How long does SEO take?

SEO er en langsiktig prosess. Resultater kan vanligvis begynne å vises etter 4-6 måneder, men optimalisering bør fortsette kontinuerlig for å opprettholde og forbedre rangeringer.

What does SEO reporting look like?

En SEO-rapport viser fremgangen din i søkemotorrangeringer, trafikkmengde, engasjementsrater og andre nøkkelindikatorer. Den kan inkludere analyser av nøkkelordprestasjoner, backlinkprofil, og forbedringsforslag.

What is an SEO agency?

Et SEO byrå er et selskap som spesialiserer seg på søkemotoroptimalisering. De arbeider for å forbedre din nettsides synlighet i søkemotorer, øke trafikk og fremme din online tilstedeværelse. Et byrå kan tilby en rekke tjenester, fra nøkkelordanalyse til linkbygging og teknisk SEO.

Contact us

Do you have any questions?

We're here to help you achieve your SEO goals. Whether you have questions, need a tailored solution, or are ready to start your SEO journey, our team of experts are ready to assist you.

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