Pay per click search ads


Discover the power of targeted digital marketing with Reklamedia, where every click counts. Our team of certified PPC specialists are dedicated to transforming your online presence through strategically planned and carefully executed paid advertising campaigns. With us, no business is too small or too big. We tailor each PPC strategy to maximize your ROI, increase your visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Search engine marketing SEM
Our SEM services

PPC services

advertising media Digital Marketing analysis

Social media ads

Social media advertising provides a unique opportunity to engage directly with your audience where they spend much of their time - on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. This form of digital marketing allows you to not only showcase your products or services, but also build a community around your brand. Our tailored social media campaigns are designed to resonate with and activate your target audience, with content that promotes dialog and sharing. We adapt to the strategy needed to maximize your ROI.

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Search ads

Search advertising forms the core of paid search marketing. These ads are shown to potential customers who are already actively searching for products or services within your industry or for your brand specifically. Our cost-effective pay-per-click ads are ideal for businesses with short sales cycles or for one-off campaigns. We recommend search advertising for businesses that want to attract strong and quality leads from new customers. Our service is specifically designed to maximize your visibility in search engines.

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Display ads

Display advertising is a dynamic and visual way to capture your target audience's attention across the internet. Unlike traditional search advertising, display ads allow you to showcase your brand, products or services through engaging images, videos and interactive content. This is an ideal solution for building brand awareness and engaging users on a more emotional and creative level. Our bespoke display ads are designed to reach the right audience on the most effective platforms, from social media to various web portals.

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Integration of tools

Effective Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising requires more than just creativity; it also requires the proper integration of advanced tools and technologies. We understand that the success of your PPC campaign is in the details, from accurate keyword analysis to thorough conversion tracking. Our approach includes a holistic integration of market-leading tools such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, as well as other specialized PPC tools to give you deep insights and superior control over your campaigns. With these tools, we can fine-tune your ads for maximum relevance and effectiveness

advertising media Digital Marketing analysis

Competitor analysis

Our PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) competitor analysis service is designed to give you a deeper understanding of your competitors' strategies and performance. We understand that in the digital marketing world, knowledge of your competitors is just as important as knowledge of your own campaigns. Our approach includes an in-depth analysis of your competitors' keywords and advertising copy. Our goal is to give you a strategic advantage by understanding the market better and identifying niches that your competitors may have overlooked.

A little insight

What exactly is SEM?

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is an online marketing strategy that aims to increase the visibility of a website on search engine result pages (SERP). This can be done through various methods such as link building, content creation, social media marketing etc. However, search engine marketing generally refers to paid search or pay-per-click (PPC).

How does SEM work?

SEM and SEO should be fundamental parts of your online marketing strategy because the algorithms that power search engines are becoming more sophisticated every day. This means that a well thought-out PPC (pay per click) strategy has become an absolute necessity if you want to ensure high rankings in the searches relevant to your business.

In search engine marketing, advertisers pay for impressions that result in the search engine. SEM (search engine marketing) aims to reach users when they most need the information you have to offer, making PPC advertising ideally less intrusive.

All in all, a well-constructed SEM strategy can also boost your website's SEO by attracting high-quality traffic. Search engines like Google will recognize your website as an authoritative source, which in turn will result in higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

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1. Organic traffic

Generating organic traffic can be a very long and tedious process where results are only seen in the long term. Search engine marketing allows you to speed up this process and get users to your website from the beginning. Plus, you can rest assured that these users are interested in what you offer, as they have searched for it themselves.

reklamedia search analysis

2. More visibility

Appearing in the top results of Google and other search engines associates your brand with a specific need even if the user doesn't click the first time they see it.

media conversion

3. More conversions

The ultimate goal of Google Ads and other search engine marketing tools is to improve business results. To do this, you need to create optimized landing pages that put users on the path to conversion.

seo team

4. For all industries

One of the major benefits of search engine marketing is that it is a suitable solution for businesses of all sizes, as the minimum investment is very affordable. On the other hand, you can increase the investment and complexity of your campaigns to maintain quality. Moreover, you pay in the form of clicks, so you can be sure that your budget is spent efficiently.

advertising media checklist

5. Measurable results

Search engine marketing solutions like Google Ads provide a range of metrics for campaigns and let you know what's happening at all times. This way, it's very easy to course-correct when needed and get better results.

Our Process

The advertising process

Process - Agency X Webflow Template

Market analysis

The process begins with a thorough market analysis to understand the competitive landscape. This includes identifying your target audience, their behaviors and preferences. Understanding your target audience is crucial to creating effective PPC campaigns.

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Understand the competitive landscape and industry trends.
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Identify and analyze the target group's behavior and preferences.
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Competitor analysis

After identifying the target audience, PPC specialists focus on keyword research. This involves finding relevant keywords and search phrases that potential customers are likely to use when searching for products or services. Choosing the right keywords is crucial to ensure your ads are shown to the right audience.

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Find relevant keywords that your target audience is likely to search for.
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Choose keywords that balance search volume and competition.
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Ad creation

With the keywords identified, the process moves on to creating engaging and relevant ads. This can include text-based ads, banner ads, or video ads. Ads are optimized to achieve the highest possible click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate.

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Develop creative and engaging ads tailored to the target audience.
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Optimize ads for high click-through rates and relevance.
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Frequently Asked Questions

In a world where digital visibility is crucial, we understand the importance of having clear and reliable answers to your PPC-related questions.

What is PPC?

PPC stands for "Pay-Per-Click", a model of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee every time one of their ads is clicked. It is essentially a way of buying visits to a website, rather than trying to "earn" those visits organically.

Search engine marketing is one of the most popular forms of PPC. It allows advertisers to bid for placement in a search engine's sponsored links when someone searches for a keyword related to their business area. For example, if we bid on the keyword "google advertising," our ad could show up in the top position on the Google results page.

Every time our ad is clicked, a visitor is sent to our website and we have to pay the search engine a small fee. When PPC works correctly, the fee is negligible, because the visit is worth more than what we pay for it. In other words, if we pay 3 kroner for a click, but the click results in a sale of 300 kroner, we have made a solid investment.

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What does advertising on Google cost?

The cost of advertising on Google via Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) can vary widely depending on several factors. There is no fixed price for advertising; instead, Google uses a bid-based system. Here are some key factors that affect costs:

Keywords Competition: Some keywords are more competitive than others, meaning more businesses bid on them. The higher the competition for a keyword, the more expensive it will be to advertise for that keyword.

Budget and Bidding: You can set a daily budget for your campaigns and decide how much you're willing to pay for each click. This can be anything from a few pennies to several hundred dollars per click, depending on your industry and competition.

Quality Score: Google assigns a "quality score" to your ads, based on the relevance and quality of your ad and the landing page it points to. Higher Quality Scores can lower your cost per click (CPC).

Geographic Targeting: The price can also vary depending on the geographic area you're targeting. Advertising in large cities or competitive markets may be more expensive.

Ad format: Google offers different ad formats, including text-based search ads, display ads, and video ads. Costs may vary depending on the format you choose.

Time of Day and Week: Costs may also vary by time of day and day of the week based on the competition for ad placements.

Targeted Audience and Ad Placement: Depending on how specifically you target your audience and where you choose to show your ads (for example, on specific sites in the Google Display Network), costs may vary.

Industry: The average CPC varies significantly from industry to industry. For example, keywords in finance and insurance may be among the most expensive, while other sectors may have lower average costs.

In practice, this means that a small business can start advertising on Google with a relatively small budget, and adjust their investment based on results and ROI. It is recommended to start with a moderate budget and experiment with different keywords and ad formats to understand what gives the best return.

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What is the difference between PPC and organic traffic?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) traffic and organic traffic are two fundamentally different ways of attracting visitors to a website, each with their own unique characteristics and benefits:

PPC Traffic (Pay-Per-Click)

Cost: As the name suggests, PPC costs money every time someone clicks on your ad. There is a direct cost associated with each visitor.

Speed: PPC can deliver immediate results. As soon as a campaign is live, it can start driving traffic to your website.

Targeted: PPC allows for highly specific targeting, including keywords, demographics, geography, time of day, and more.

Control: You have detailed control over budget, placement and targeting of ads.

Ephemeral: Traffic typically stops when you stop paying for ads.

Organic Traffic

Cost: Organic traffic is "free" in the sense that you don't pay for each click. But it often requires investment in SEO (search engine optimization), content, and time.

Time: It takes time to build organic traffic. Your SEO efforts can take months or years to bear fruit.

Long-lasting effect: Once you have achieved a strong organic position, it can provide sustained traffic over time.

Credibility and Trust: Many users trust organic search results more and view them as more authoritative than paid ads.

Less Control
: Although SEO efforts can be optimized, you are largely dependent on the search engines' algorithms, which are out of your direct control.

Brand building: Organic traffic can be an effective way to build brand awareness and a reputation as an authority in your field.

Comparison and Synergy

Traffic volume: PPC can generate traffic quickly and in large volumes, while organic traffic grows and is sustained over time.

ROI (Return on Investment): PPC can provide a quick ROI, while organic traffic potentially provides better long-term ROI.

Synergy: They work best when used together. PPC can provide immediate traffic and valuable data on which keywords convert best, which can be used to inform and improve SEO strategies.

Together, PPC and organic traffic provide a balanced approach to digital marketing, with PPC for immediate needs and testing, and organic for long-term growth and brand building.

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Why invest in PPC?

Investing in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising can be highly beneficial to businesses for several reasons:

Targeted Traffic: PPC allows you to target specific demographics, geographic areas, languages, and more importantly, people searching for specific keywords. This means that the traffic you get is more likely to be interested in your products or services.

FastResults: Unlike organic search engine optimization (SEO), which can take months to see results, PPC provides immediate visibility. As soon as your PPC campaign is active, you can start seeing traffic and potentially conversions.Measurable Results: With PPC, you can easily track the effectiveness of your ads. Platforms like Google Ads offer detailed analytics that show the number of clicks, conversions, cost per click, and overall ROI. This allows you to fine-tune your campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Budget-friendly: You have full control over how much you want to spend on PPC advertising. You can set daily or monthly budgets, and you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad.

Improves brand recognition: Even if not everyone clicks on your PPC ads, they contribute to increased visibility for your brand. People become more aware of your business, which can lead to increased traffic and sales over time.

Competitive Advantage: Using PPC allows you to quickly get a foot in front of your competitors, especially if they are not using PPC or not optimizing their PPC campaigns effectively.

Flexibility: PPC campaigns are highly flexible. You can adjust them quickly based on performance data, market trends, or changes in business strategy.

Complements Other Marketing Channels: PPC works well with other digital marketing strategies such as SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. For example, it can drive traffic to content that is optimized for conversion.

Ideal for Local Marketing: For local businesses, PPC can be particularly effective as it allows advertising to potential customers within a specific geographic area.

Access to Mobile Users: With the rise in mobile usage, PPC provides an excellent opportunity to reach consumers using smartphones and tablets.Overall, PPC provides a unique opportunity to quickly attract relevant traffic, increase conversions, and strengthen online presence in a cost-effective way.

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Why work with a PPC agency?

Partnering with a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) agency can be highly beneficial for a number of reasons, especially for businesses that don't have the necessary expertise or resources to effectively manage PPC campaigns in-house. Here are some key reasons to consider partnering with a PPC agency:

Expertise and Experience: PPC agencies have specialists who are skilled in PPC strategies and have extensive knowledge of various ad platforms such as Google Ads and Bing Ads. They stay up to date with the latest trends and algorithm changes, which can be crucial to success.

Time saving: Managing PPC campaigns requires time and attention. By outsourcing this to an agency, you can free up internal time and resources that can be spent on other important aspects of your business.

Better Results: A PPC agency will optimize your campaigns to ensure maximum return on investment. This includes keyword research, ad text optimization, bidding strategies and landing page conversion.

Advanced Analytics and Tools: Agencies often have access to advanced tools and analytics to monitor and optimize campaign performance. These tools can be costly and not practical for some businesses to invest in themselves.

Scalability: A PPC agency can quickly scale your campaigns up or down based on performance and budget. This gives businesses the flexibility to adapt to market and business needs.Risk management: PPC agencies are experienced in dealing with different types of markets and can help avoid common pitfalls and costly mistakes in PPC campaigns.

Focus on Core Business: By letting experts handle your PPC strategy, you can focus on your core business and other important aspects of your company.

Competitive Advantage: An agency can provide you with insights and strategies that put you ahead of your competitors, especially if they aren't using professional help for their campaigns.

Continuous Optimization: PPC agencies are constantly working to optimize campaigns to improve performance. This includes A/B testing of ads, landing pages, and more.

Customized Strategies: A good agency will tailor PPC strategies specifically to your business model and goals, which can be more effective than a "one-size-fits-all" approach.By working with a PPC agency, you can take advantage of their expertise, tools, and experience to maximize the effectiveness of your paid ad campaigns and achieve better results.

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What is SEM?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of digital marketing that involves promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. SEM can encompass various activities, but it is best known for and often used synonymously with "Pay-Per-Click" (PPC) advertising. Here are some key aspects of search engine marketing:

Paid Search Advertising: This is the most direct and visible aspect of SEM. It includes setting up and managing ads that appear in search engine results. When someone searches a particular keyword, your paid ad may appear among the top results.

Keyword research: An important part of SEM is identifying and selecting keywords that are relevant to your company's products or services. This helps to ensure that your ads appear for the most relevant and profitable searches.

Bidding and Bid Management: SEM involves bidding on keywords to determine the placement of the ads in search results. This requires strategic bidding and budget management to maximize return on investment.

Ad design: Creating engaging and compelling ad text and visual elements is critical to attracting clicks and conversions.

Landing pages: SEM also includes optimizing landing pages, the pages where users land after clicking on the ad. These pages must be relevant to the ad text and designed to encourage conversion.

Performance analysis: Monitoring and analyzing ad performance is essential to understanding the effectiveness of SEM strategies. This involves tracking click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost per click (CPC) and other relevant data.

Continuous Optimization: Based on performance data, SEM campaigns are continually adjusted and improved to increase effectiveness.

Competitive analysis: Understanding your competitors' SEM strategies can provide valuable insights and help shape your own campaigns.SEM is a fast and effective way to drive relevant traffic to a website, especially in a competitive market. It provides immediate visibility and helps generate leads and sales faster than organic SEO strategies.

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