What is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO forbedrer nettsiders synlighet i søkemotorer gjennom optimalisering av innhold og tekniske aspekter.

SEO står for søkemotoroptimalisering som også kalles for search engine optimization på engelsk. Det er en rekke prosesser som har som mål å forbedre nettsidens synlighet i søkemotorer (som Google). Alt med målet om å få mer organisk trafikk.

Essentially, SEO is about fulfilling users' search needs by creating relevant, high-quality content and providing the best possible user experience.

SEO activities can take place both on the website and off the website. This is why you often see SEO divided into "on-page" and "off-page" categories.

In practice, SEO involves:

Why is SEO important?

Every day, Google users conduct billions of searches for information and products. It's not surprising that search engines are often one of the biggest sources of traffic to websites. 

To capitalize on this traffic source's potential, you need to show up among the top search results for your target keywords.

The correlation is very simple - the higher you rank, the more people will visit your website.

The #1 organic result is 10 times more likely to get a click than a page ranking in the #10 position.

And the top three organic results get more than 50% of all clicks.

This is where SEO comes into play.

Søkemotor optimalisering spiller en nøkkelrolle i å forbedre dine rangeringsposisjoner. Bedre rangeringer betyr mer trafikk. Og mer trafikk betyr nye poteniselle kunder og økt merkevarebevissthet.

In other words, neglecting SEO would mean neglecting one of the most important traffic channels - and leaving it entirely to your competitors.

Popular online retailers in Norway have often invested in in-depth SEO competitor analysis to better understand the market.

Hva er SEO markedsføring?

SEO markedsføring er en strategi for å optimalisere nettsider for bedre synlighet i søkemotorer.

For digitale markedsføringsbyråkunder, er SEO markedsføring en strategi som brukes for å forbedre synligheten til nettsider i søkemotorer.


Most search engine results pages (SERPs) contain two types of results:

Paid results: You have to pay to be here, through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or google ads.

Organic results: You need to "earn" your rankings here, through SEO

You might ask: Why not just pay to show up in the ad section?

The answer is simple. The majority of people just ignore the ads and click on organic results.

Yes, SEO takes more time, effort, and - although it focuses on "free" organic traffic - resources.

But when you rank for your target keywords on google search, you can reach more people and generate "passive" traffic that doesn't disappear the moment you stop paying.

Notes: PPC advertising is still a critically important channel. It just plays a different role within marketing strategies. PPC doesn't compete with SEO - the two can work effectively together.

How do search engines work?

The goal of any search engine is to make searchers happy with the results they find.

To achieve this, search engines need to find the best pages and present them as the top search results.

Small note: Google is not the only search engine. But it is by far the most popular. That's why we refer to Google every time we talk about search engines. What's more, SEO basics are pretty similar across most search engines.

Google uses the following steps to find and rank content:

  • Crawling: Google bruker "bots" eller dataprogrammer, for å søke på nettet og se etter nye eller oppdaterte sider. For at Google skal finne en side, bør siden ha minst én lenke som peker mot den.
  • Indeksering: Deretter analyserer Google hver side og prøver å forstå hva siden handler om. Deretter lagrer den denne informasjonen i Google-indeksen, som er en stor database lagret på tusenvis av datamaskiner.
  • Serving results: When a user searches, Google determines which pages are most relevant and ranks them in the search engine results page (SERP).

First and foremost, your task as a website owner is to help search engines crawl and index all the pages on your site that you want them to. (And none of the ones that you don't.)

You can ensure that your pages are crawlable and indexable through a number of measures and best practices often referred to as technical SEO

Now that you understand how Google finds and categorizes pages, it's time to take a closer look at how the best results are selected and SEO's role in this process.

Hva er SEO optimalisering?

SEO-optimalisering, eller Søkemotoroptimalisering, handler om å forbedre et nettsteds plassering i søkemotorer som Google. Gjennom SEO arbeider vi med å forbedre nettstedets synlighet i organiske søk, uten betalt reklame. Målet er å tiltrekke seg mer relevant trafikk, øke nettstedets synlighet og bygge autoritet.

How does SEO work?

Google uses relatively complex processes, known as "algorithms", to rank pages. These algorithms take into account a huge number of ranking factors to determine where a specific page should rank.

You don't need to know how search algorithms work (in fact, no one does with 100% certainty).

But by knowing the fundamentals, you can better understand how SEO works and what it takes to optimize your pages to rank in Google.

Ensure relevance

Your No. 1 responsibility in SEO is to make sure you offer relevant content.

Why? Because Google's #1 mission is to show users relevant results.

Relevance is about much more than just showing pages about dogs, not cats, when someone searches for "dogs". It's also about satisfying the user's search intent-the reason they used a particular keyword.

There are four types of search intent:

  • Navigational (e.g., "spotify login")
  • Informational (e.g., "what is spotify")
  • Commercial (e.g., "spotify review")
  • Transactional (e.g., "spotify premium")

Here's an example:

If you search for "best dog food", you don't want to see articles about different types of dog diets or recipes for homemade dog food. Both would be thematically relevant, but they don't fulfill your search intent.

Google knows, based on the behavior of millions of other users, that if you search for "best dog food", you will almost certainly buy dog food.

Therefore, Google ranks either product pages or reviews of the best dog food products (i.e. the search intent is either transactional or commercial).

So, how to succeed with seo?

Luckily, Google does all the hard work. All you have to do is look at the search results and analyze what you see.

Ting du må vurdere for å skape godt innhold:

  • Theme relevance: One of the ways Google determines a page's theme is by looking at the keywords that appear on the page. Optimize your pages for keywords, but avoid overdoing it.
  • Content type: Make sure your page offers the right type of content for the query by looking at the types of results that rank for the keyword (e.g. landing pages, product pages, informative posts, reviews, etc.)
  • Freshness of content: Some types of topics, such as news updates or product reviews, require fresh, frequently updated information. If your search query is time-sensitive, make sure your content also remains up-to-date.
  • Location: Google may show different results based on a searcher's location. If this is the case, adjust your strategy accordingly (e.g. if you run a local business, follow local SEO best practices).

Where should you start?

To quickly identify a keyword's intent, use a tool like "Keyword overview."

Tast inn ditt søkeord og klikk på "Search."

You will see the intent in the widget labeled "Intent."

And if you perform keyword research, the "KeywordMagic Tool" also shows intent.

Here you go:

Å skape kvalitetsinnhold

Finding the right keywords is just the first step.

You also need to create content that will rank for these keywords. Content creation and optimization are two irreplaceable parts of SEO.

When John Mueller from Google was asked about the most important factor for ranking in the top search results, he answered with a single word:

To rank highly in Google, you need to create content that is literally in the top 10 posts on a given topic. There are 10 organic results on the first page of each SERP, and that's where you want to be.

Here are some key elements that distinguish high-quality content from mediocre content:

  • Comprehensiveness: Cover the topic thoroughly and answer any questions a visitor may have. It's not about word count. Make sure each page provides searchers with a complete resource.
  • Uniqueness: Your content shouldn't be a collection of the best results. It should always add value - whether it's a unique perspective, useful data, helpful examples or original visuals.
  • E-A-T signals: Google places great emphasis on Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness (E-A-T). You should provide accurate and reliable information, be an expert in what you write about, and demonstrate it both on and off the site.
  • Readability: Your text should be easy to read. This includes structuring your content logically, writing short sentences, avoiding passive voice, having a consistent tone and so on.

Where should you start?

Once you've done your keyword research, it's time to start creating content.

It's difficult to accurately measure content quality, but a tool like "SEO Writing Assistant" can help.

To begin, open the tool and start typing. Or, if you already have the text, copy and paste it.

The tool will assess your content in four categories - "Readability", "SEO", "Originality" and "Tone of Voice" - and suggest improvements.

Here you go:

Providing good usability

Google prefers user-friendly websites.

Teknisk SEO spiller igjen en viktig rolle her. I tillegg til å sikre at nettstedet ditt kan kravles og indekseres, sørger SEO også for at nettstedet ditt oppfyller brukervennlighetsstandarder.

This includes factors such as:

  • Website security: Your website should meet standard security criteria, such as having an SSL certificate (using the HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP).
  • Page speed: Google ranks faster pages higher in search results because they provide a better user experience.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Google evaluates your content based on its performance on a mobile device - this is called "mobile-first indexing." Mobile SEO ensures that mobile users can easily consume your content.
  • Ease of use: You should have an easy-to-understand website structure that allows visitors to find everything quickly. And navigate through your site without any problems or obstacles. Effective branding is crucial for Norwegian online retailers who want to stand out from the crowd.

Where should you start?

The best way to get a general overview of your website's usability is to perform a full website analysis.

In Semrush's website analytics, you'll find several reports that focus on different aspects of your website's performance.

Start by entering your domain and click"Start audit".

In the basic settings, select the number of pages per analysis and the crawl source as"Website."

Then click on"Start Site Audit."

Once the tool has finished crawling through your site, you'll see a dashboard with your site's overall health and various thematic reports.

In addition to checking for over 140 issues, the tool also provides recommendations on how to fix them.

Here you go:

Go to the"Issues" tab and you'll see all the errors, warnings and notes on your site.

To learn more about the problem and how to fix it, click"Why and how to fix it" and you will see a popup.

Bygge autoritet

Search engines use several off-page signals to determine whether your website can be trusted.

One of the strongest signals, and one of the strongest ranking factors in general, is backlinks - links from other websites pointing to your site.

Essentially, backlinks act as votes of confidence in search engines.

Generelt sett, jo flere høykvalitetslenker din side mottar fra andre nettsider, desto mer autoritet har siden din i Googles øyne. Dette kan føre til høyere rangeringer.

That's why link building - the practice of getting backlinks to your website - is an important part of SEO.

There are many strategies for link building. For example:

  • Creating linkable resources: creating content that provides great value and naturally attracts links (e.g. original studies, interactive pages, free tools).
  • Guest blogging: writing posts for other websites to link back to your own site.
  • Build on broken links: find links that no longer work on other sites and suggest links to your pages as replacements.

Focus on quality (not quantity) when building links. A single backlink from a high-authority page will provide more authority than 100 backlinks from irrelevant, low-quality pages.

Ja, du vil ha så mange lenker som mulig. Men de lenkene må komme fra relevante, kvalitetssider relatert til emnet på nettstedet ditt.

Her kan du blant annet lese mer om off page seo .

Last thing to remember:

Although Google ranks pages, not websites (meaning they evaluate authority at the page level), the total number of backlinks to your website can still affect a specific page's rankings.


Through internal linking (linking from one page on your website to another) you can transfer authority between your pages in the same way as it is transferred from external pages to your website.

Keep this in mind when creating internal links. And make sure your most important pages have enough internal links pointing to them.

As Google's John Mueller said about internal linking: "[It's] one of the biggest things you can do on a website to guide Google and guide visitors to the pages that you think are important."

Where should you start?


It will help you see which sites are linking to your competitors but not to you.

After all, if a website is willing to link to a competitor, they'll probably be happy to link to you too.

Especially if you're creating higher quality content.

For å starte, gå til Backlink Gap-verktøyet.

Next, enter your domain and up to four competitor domains. And click"Find prospects."

You will get a table with all the sites that have backlinks to your competitors.

And you have different filters: "Best", "Weak", "Strong", "Shared", "Unique" or "All" options.

Here's what each filter means:

  • Best: Sites that link to all your competitors but not to you
  • Weak: Sites that link to you less than to your competitors
  • Strong: Sites that only link to you
  • Shared: Sites that link to all your competitors
  • Unique: Sites that link to only one competitor domain
  • All of them: All potential sites

Start with the "Best" filter. Click the"Export" button in the top right corner.

And now you have a long list of websites you can contact for backlinks.

7 sannheter om SEO

So that's all about SEO in practice

But here are seven truths you should embrace before you embark on your SEO journey:

  • SEO is not about tricking Google. Instead, think of it as convincing Google to rank your page by showing the value you provide to users.
  • SEO is not about shortcuts. Don't get caught in a circle of looking for cool new SEO tricks or shortcuts. Usually, all you need to do is the basic SEO stuff very well and very consistently.
  • SEO is a long-term game. SEO results don't usually appear immediately, although there are exceptions - for example, when you correct a serious mistake. Generally speaking, think in months rather than days.
  • SEO is more than just installing an SEO extension. SEO plugins are useful tools. But the simple fact that you set one up doesn't mean your site is suddenly "SEO-friendly".
  • You're never "done" with SEO. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Even if you rank #1 for all your keywords, you always need to keep improving. The competition never sleeps.
  • Knowing your audience is key. The more you understand your target audience (customers, readers, subscribers), the easier it is to create an effective SEO strategy.
  • SEO is just one piece of the puzzle. No amount of optimization will help you if you neglect to work on the core of your business - your product or service.

Get started with SEO

Now that you know what SEO is, it's time to take action.

Follow the tips we mentioned earlier and you'll be on your way to higher rankings. And one step ahead of your competitors.

Start by signing up for a free Semrush account (no credit card required).

You will be able to:

  • Perform keyword analysis (up to 10 searches per day)
  • Analyze competitors (up to 10 domains per day)
  • Track your keyword rankings (up to 10 keywords)
  • Run a free website analysis (search through up to 100 URLs)
  • Få ideer til å forbedre din on-page SEO (opptil en kampanje)
  • And much more.

Ofte stilte spørsmål om SEO

Finally, here are the answers to some common questions about SEO.

What is the role of SEO in digital marketing?

Hovedmålet med SEO er å forbedre synligheten til et nettsted i søkemotorer. Som sådan er det en avgjørende del av enhver digital markedsføringsstrategi.

SEO creates a great synergy with PPC advertising and overlaps with other areas of marketing, such as content marketing and social media marketing.

What is meant by SEO?

SEO står for søkemotoroptimalisering, og det refererer til strategier og teknikker som brukes for å forbedre synligheten og rangeringen til nettsider i søkemotorer. Målet med SEO er å øke organisk trafikk til nettsiden ved å optimalisere innhold, tekniske aspekter og lenkeprofil.

Hva er viktig med SEO?

SEO er viktig fordi det bidrar til å øke synligheten og rangeringen til nettsider i søkemotorer, noe som resulterer i økt organisk trafikk og potensielt flere kunder. Ved å implementere effektive SEO-strategier kan man også forbedre brukeropplevelsen på nettsiden og bygge autoritet og tillit hos søkemotorer.

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEO (søkemotoroptimalisering) og SEM (søkemotormarkedsføring) er to forskjellige tilnærminger innen digital markedsføring. SEO fokuserer på å forbedre organisk synlighet i søkemotorer, mens SEM inkluderer betalte annonser for å øke synligheten i søkemotorer.

Hva er SEO optimalisering?

SEO optimalisering er en strategisk tilnærming for å forbedre synligheten og rangeringen til nettsider i søkemotorer. Dette oppnås gjennom en kombinasjon av tekniske, innholdsrelaterte og lenkerelaterte tiltak som bidrar til å øke organisk trafikk til nettsiden.

Can I do SEO myself?

Hvis du noen gang har lurt på om du kan gjøre SEO uten hjelp av et seo byrå som tilbyr seo tjenester, er svaret definitivt ja. Alt du trenger er en vilje til å lære nye ting og et nettsted hvor du kan bruke kunnskapen din. Mange nettbutikker i Norge samarbeider med et SEO-byrå for å forbedre sin rangering på Google.

How can I learn SEO?

This guide is a great starting point for your SEO learning journey. But if you want to dive deeper and/or prefer video content, you'll love Semrush Academy.

Find dozens of 100% free online courses taught by top industry experts, such as Eric Enge, Brian Dean and Nathan Gotch.

Do I need an SEO tool?

Your SEO efforts must be based on accurate data. If you run a website that makes you money, a complete set of SEO tools that will cover all your SEO needs is necessary. And it will quickly pay for itself. A thorough SEO analysis is therefore essential to identify areas that can be improved on your website.